Monday, July 25, 2011

Useful Sites and References

These pages will provide you with further information on how to stay debt free in college. 

Click on the title of the website you are interested in to take you directly to that website.

Let’s face it!  Sometimes it can be really hard to find a job especially when you don’t know where to start or even look.  Workopolis is a website that allows you to browse jobs anywhere across Canada.  You can even specify what type of job you are looking for, the location of the job and whether you are looking for a student position or entry level job. 

Workopolis allows you to set up an account for yourself.  This account allows you to upload your resume and cover letter, save jobs that you aren’t ready to apply for and save what you have searched throughout your time on the website.  Workopolis has great tools as well.  Career resources allows you to view the latest news and advice, check the salary you should be making with the salary calculator, update your resume with resume rescue and look for more education and training. 

I would advise anyone who is having difficulty finding a job to give Workopolis a try.  It’s free to use and worth a try!

Scholarships Canada is an online database available for students who are inquiring about a scholarship.  Creating an account on this website is easy and will allow you to search multiple scholarships, students awards, bursaries and grants.  You are able to search these scholarships by name, school of study or field of study. 

This website is an excellent source to find helpful information on how to properly fill out applications as well as budget tools to help you manage your money.  It provides many tips on how and where to find scholarships and how to avoid student debt.  Scholarships Canada also provides you with articles about student loans and alternate aid options such as a bank loan or line of credit. 

Signing up for Scholarships Canada is free and allows you to have access to multiple tools and helpful aids.  You can make your own profile with the scholarships you are interested in and the website keeps you up-to-date on current and upcoming scholarships.  There are thousands of scholarships to choose from.  Get started today to help save money throughout your college education.  

MoneySense is Canada’s Personal Finance Website that helps you manage your money and spending habits.  Originally a magazine, MoneySense has great articles teaching you tips on how to save your money.  Not only does this website have useful information about education savings, MoneySense also provides you with excellent information on planning, investing, saving, real estate, living and retirement for the future. 

MoneySense can help you with your spending habits in a section called Calculators.  The Calculators section offers you five different types of calculators that can help you manage your money.  The calculators are as follows:
  • RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) Calculator
    • Calculates your compound interest
  • Mortgage Calculator
    • Calculates the total cost of your mortgage
  •  University Cost Calculator
    •  Calculates the total annual cost
  •  Life Expectancy Calculator
    • Calculates your retirement planning
  •  Portfolio Tracker
    • Tracks how well your investments perform over time

Overall, MoneySense is an outstanding website in order to help you manage your money and spending habits.  

BudgetTracker is an online system that helps you track your budgets.  Creating an account on BudgetTracker is free and easy to set up.  With BudegtTracker you can: 

  • Keep track of your banking accounts,
  • Track your spending,
  • Schedule your income,
  • Create a budget for yourself,
  • Keep a calendar with daily reminders,
  • Keep track of your business needs, and
  • Organize your life.
Organize your life is a neat feature where you can keep track of shopping lists, tasks, upcoming school projects, contacts and more.  BudgetTracker also has a convenient section called Forecast Your Income.  Forecast Your Income will automatically keep track of your income and show you what money you have to spend for the future.  There is also a Graphs and Charts section, which puts all of your data from the site and puts it into a Graph and Chart.  This is a useful tool for those of us who are visual learners and read graphs and charts easier.
Overall, BudgetTracker is an ideal student tool to learn how to properly budget your spending habits. 

Dartmouth College offers a website for their Academic Skills Center on how to properly manage your time.  A lot of students have trouble managing their time and knowing how to manage your time is a part of being a successful student.  Managing Your Time offers handouts and schedules available to get you started in managing your time.  The handouts include:

  • How Well Do You Plan
  • Creating a Master Schedule
  • Time Management Tips
  • Making a Personal Schedule

Managing Your Time also offers time management videos to help you cope with your school schedule.  The videos teach you how to manage your time while at school so you stay on track.  Other Universities have also offered learning links on time management and procrastination to learn how to effectively manage your time and tips and tools on how to stop procrastinating.  Overall, this website gives excellent tips and helpful tools to manage your time appropriately to stay successful in school. 


Cliffs Notes. (2011). Work at a part-time job. Retrieved July 18, 2011, from,articleId-28261.html

College Board. (2011). Students & part-time work. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from

Constandse, R. (2007). Time management for college students. Retrieved July 18, 2011, from

Degree Match. (2011). 5 financial management tips to stay debt-free. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from

Searching for Scholarships. (2000). Career World, 29(1), 4. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. 

Statistics Canada. (2010). Study: The financial impact of student loans. Retrieved July 18, 2011, from

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