Monday, July 25, 2011

Having a Part-Time Job

“Studies show that students who work are more confident and possess better time-management skills than students who are not employed” (Students & Part-Time Work, 2011).  Having a part-time job is essential when attending school.  Of course you need to be able to manage your time but you also need to have money in the bank to afford school.  Cliffs Notes suggests that in order to balance a job and still keep up with your academic commitments, you need to:
  • Work as much as possible during the summer, 
  • Find a flexible employer,
  • Be flexible yourself, 
  • Give yourself a break, and 
  • Start slowly.
(Cliffs Notes, 2011)

Following these steps is an excellent start to staying debt free in college.  Making as much money as possible during the time you have off is a key component in order to stay debt free.  Try to give yourself the opportunity to work as many hours on your time off or before you enter college to save the money you’ll need to textbooks and tuition.  Finding a flexible employer is also very important.  Often, the college you go to will have employment opportunities.  The employers on the college ground will be flexible with your schedule because they know your schedule.  Keep in mind that if your employer is being flexible however, you need to be flexible as well.  During slow times of the year offer to work more hours so they can return the favour later.  Ensure you give yourself breaks and start slowly with hours so you don’t wear yourself down. 

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