Monday, July 25, 2011

Staying Debt Free in College

Statistics Canada states that multiple surveys show that over one-half, 57%, of students are left in debt.  Students are left with an average of $18,800 in debt from student loans (Statistics Canada, 2010).  Don’t be another statistic!

There are four key components to stay debt free in college.  To say debt free in college students need to:
  •  Manage their time through time management skills,
  •  Review their spending habits,
  •  Apply for academic scholarships, and
  •  Inquire about a part-time job.

    I always strive to do my best when it comes to managing my money.  I have done a great job in managing my money for the first year and a half of my college education and would like to be able to teach you how to stay debt free in college.  Please review my posts on time management, spending habits, academic scholarships and part-time jobs, for more information on staying debt free in college.  By sharing my own personal experiences, it is my goal to teach students tips and tools as to how to stay debt free in college.

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