Monday, July 25, 2011

Academic Scholarships

Applying for scholarships and bursaries in order to help offset school fees is another way college students avoid graduating with student debt.  In order to receive scholarships and bursaries you must apply to as many as possible and don’t be afraid to ask for help from resources at the college.

“Winning a scholarship could make a sizable dent in your college tuition bill.  But a number of common misconceptions about scholarships hold back many students from applying.  Don’t fall into the trap of believing that only high achievers and students with great financial need are eligible to win scholarships” (Searching for Scholarships, 2000, p.4).

Applying to as many scholarships and bursaries as possible will give you the chance to receive a scholarship, however, not applying won’t.  Having access to research tools and knowing how to use them is essential when applying for scholarships and bursaries because you have to work hard in order to find these opportunities.  Websites and the student services at the colleges can help you find these opportunities for scholarships and bursaries.

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